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Save a child: Tikhonov Vladik, 11 years old, acute myelogenous leukemia

August 26, 2008, 8:00 19878 Author: Albert Pavlov, Zaporozhye, Ukraine (translated by Inna Grigorjeva) www.deti.zp.ua Vladik had acute myelogenous leukemia and nephroblastoma. 10.12.2008 Vladik died.

Vladik had acute myelogenous leukemia and nephroblastoma. 10.12.2008 Vladik died.

In a hospital ward

Vladik has a serious diagnosis: acute myelogenous leukemia and nephroblastoma, the tumor of kidney in remission since 2002. Without help of not indifferent people he has no any chance to live.

Vladik’s day of birth is on 8 of May, 1997

Vladik Tikhonov is a quiet thoughtful boy of 11. As he feels himself grown-up enough he doesn’t want to leave the ward while I am speaking to his mother. He is a man, so he wants to know all the truth whatever it is.

Vladislav was born on May, 8, 1997. Till his fourth birthday he was a healthy child in his parent’s joy.

On 2001-2002 Tikhonovs had a difficult experience: doctors found the tumor in Vladik’s kidney. As a part of the treatment the boy's kidney and the spleen were extracted, than Vladik received the course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Little by little life got back into a routine, Vlad went to the first class of school. He was an excellent pupil at school, had extra lessons of English language, took part in various competitions on different school subjects. Probably Vladik’s success at school was caused with benevolent friendly atmosphere in his family.

Vladik fonds of reading books, works on computer, he is a great football fun (unfortunately he can’t play football because of his disease).

Vladik with his mother Larisa

While telling about her only child Larisa, Vladik’s mother can’t keep the tears. It was hard to take in this new disaster. Last spring Vladik had been ill with bronchitis. After that the high temperature has been lasting for a long time, the blood test showed the low level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. Taking into account the fact that 5 years ago Vladik had the tumor doctors suspected its recurrence and recommended Larisa to make computer tomography examination. The CT- examination showed there was no any tumor of kidney.

But Vladik’s state of health had become worse. Doctors couldn’t treat anemia even using blood transfusions. After 2 months Vladik's being in hematological department of Zaporozhye regional hospital doctors decided to make a marrow paracentesis. The results of blood analysis were distressing: Zaporozhye laboratory determined the presence of malignant cells, and the laboratory of Kiev hospital OHMATDET (The children’s hospital of motherhood and childhood protection) set the diagnosis: acute myelogenous leukemia, the most unfavorable form of leukemia.

It is the chief Ukrainian children’s hematologist's Svetlana Donskaya opinion that Vladik can get a chance to recover only in case of unrelated marrow transplantation. But unfortunately such kind of operations still can’t be done in Ukraine, and the cost of these operations abroad (100-200 thousand dollars) is a huge sum for Ukrainian family. For example in Israel marrow transplantation costs 170 thousand dollars.

Unfortunately if Vladik stays in Ukraine he has no chance to get better. We have no much time to collect the necessary sum of money – only about 2 months while Vladik is having a standard chemotherapy before unrelated marrow transplantation.

So it is one more time when we, Ukrainian volunteers, and the parents of the sick child faced with a very difficult task – to collect fabulous (for Ukrainian criterions) sum of money at the earliest possible date. We cannot hope that our government give us the necessary sum of money from the budget.

We set the only hope on ordinary people who value the priceless human life, especially child’s life.

We ask all the people to help Vladik’s family. We hope that if we do it together we can safe another child's life!

Vladik's mother - Tikhonova Larisa (+3 8 067 270 15 47)

Vladik's father - Tikhonov Aleksey (+3 8 067 613 63 44)

Tikhonov's home phone: +3 8 06175 7 28 37

Vladik's family address:

Ukraine, 71600,

Zaporozhye region,


Sovetskaya street,12/14

At the moment Vladik gets treatment at the oncology department of Zaporozhye children's regional hospital.

Vladik and his parents are carried on by volunteer from Zaporozhye Albert Pavlov: +3 8 066 513 34 35, detizp [at] mail.ru

Account details for donating in U.S. dollars from abroad:

Beneficiary: Tikhonov Alexey Victorovich

account: 4405 8850 1346 6906

Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Swift code:PBANUA2X


swift code: CHASUS33 CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 0011000080

Account details for donating in euro from abroad:

Beneficiary: Tikhonov Alexey Victorovich

Card #: 4405 8850 1346 7136

Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Swift code: PBANUA2XZAP

INTERMEDIARY BANK: Deutche Bank AG, Frankfurt on Main, Germany swift code: DEUTDEFF


Another possible ways of money order (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, PayPal, e-gold)

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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