At last we have received invoices from two hospitals, which are ready to treat Vladik Tikhonov. They are – Hadassa in Jerusalem (page 1, page 2) and Mount Elizabeth in Singapore. The cost of treatment in both of them amounts 100 000 Euro. And this sum is immediately in need!!! Marrow transplantation is possible only in remission. Till we gather the essential sum – new blocks of chemotherapy should be provided. Every block – is a great risk for the child’s life.
Professor Reznik from Hadassa insists on immediate operation. We don’t speak about months, we speak about days… And we hope we won’t have any need to speak about hours. If we waste time Reznik will council to lead marrow transplantation from related donors. It is more dangerous then marrow transplantation from unrelated donor but less dangerous then wasting time. Hadassa is ready to start the typing and searching of the donor before total sum will be transferred. Typing and preliminary searching cost 15000$. We have this sum and now we are waiting for the results of medical tests after second block of chemotherapy. If he is in the remission stage we’ll find ways to transfer his blood for the typing to Jerusalem. But the main problem is the search of essential sum for the operation.
Vladics parents are real heroes – they are not sitting around twiddling their thumbs - they try to find donations wherever it is possible. Vladic had also recovered from shock. Maybe because of it he got over the second block of chemotherapy better then iit was predicted. Maybe because he believed in us, believed that we can save him. He is enough grown-up to understand the seriousness of his disease. He understands what’ll happen with him if we won’t gather this abstract for the child’s mind sum – 100 000 Euro. For the resent moment only 29 180$ are collected.
We ask, we implore, we appeal to help this little boy! He hasn’t got any chance without your help!
Vladik's mother - Tikhonova Larisa (+3 8 067 270 15 47)
Vladik's father - Tikhonov Aleksey (+3 8 067 613 63 44)
Tikhonov's home phone: +3 8 06175 7 28 37
Vladik's family address:
Ukraine, 71600,
Zaporozhye region,
Sovetskaya street,12/14
At the moment Vladik gets treatment at the oncology department of Zaporozhye children's regional hospital.
Vladik and his parents are carried on by volunteer from Zaporozhye Albert Pavlov: +3 8 066 513 34 35, detizp [at]
Account details for donating in U.S. dollars from abroad:
Beneficiary: Tikhonov Alexey Victorovich
account: 4405 8850 1346 6906
Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Swift code:PBANUA2X
swift code: CHASUS33 CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 0011000080
Account details for donating in euro from abroad:
Beneficiary: Tikhonov Alexey Victorovich
Card #: 4405 8850 1346 7136
Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Swift code: PBANUA2XZAP
INTERMEDIARY BANK: Deutche Bank AG, Frankfurt on Main, Germany swift code: DEUTDEFF
The telephone number of Albert Pavlov, volunteer from Zaporozhye:
+3 8 066 513 34 35