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Isolation Department for younger children of Zaporozhye Municipal Children's Multi type Hospital # 5

January 27, 2012, 14:00 5375 Author: Iryna Gavrysheva, translated by Sushchenko Anna www.deti.zp.ua The department specializes in treatment of children under 3 years old with complications of "colds", bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Doctors of the department

The articles and news about the isolation department for younger children of Zaporozhye Municipal Children's Multi type Hospital № 5

The needs of the department


How to provide charitable assistance for the department

The isolation department for younger children of Zaporozhye Municipal Children's Multi type Hospital # 5 is meant for 45 children. The department is an isolation ward but the children with children's "quarantine" infections (such as chickenpox, measles, etc.) or with enteric infections are not directed here. The children (from one month to 3 years) with complications of "colds", bronchitis, pneumonia, and similar conditions stay in this department. The department serves the Leninsky, Hortitsky and Zavodskoy city districts.

A separate category of "clients" of the isolation department are orphans. More often these are children with severe diseases (cerebral spastic infantile paralysis, heart defects, etc.), who often have developed secondary pulmonary infections. There are up to 7 such children in the department simultaneously; each of them often requires very labor intensive painstaking care, expensive medicines, supplies, and special food. Several years ago, by the efforts of concerned people repairs were made in the ward where the orphans are situated; new beds were fixed, etc. Also the former patients of the department sometimes give such things as clothes, disposable diapers, and wipes, etc. But this happens only occasionally, while medicines and hygiene products for these children are needed most of the time.

One of the most difficult groups of children is situated there – the children up to 3 years with respiratory tract infections, including the children who have other severe background diseases. The department is a catastrophe with so many patients and so many needs. Thus, the presence of special equipment is very important in treatment of such children.

“I can not remember the last time we got some new equipment”, sighs the curator of the department Tatyana Gerasimchuk. “Many of our children cannot cough up phlegm; it should be removed using special suction. And the suction is one for all the 45 beds! And it is scary to imagine how old it really is. We do not have racks for drip bottles. We often have to beg for this important device in the nearby departments. We have only two inhalers, one of them is intended for home use only, so at our intensity it fails all the time. But we need inhalations for the large percentage of our children. And more than once a day, every 2-3 hours. A syringe pump, which allows controlled intravenous injection of fluids at a given speed, I saw only once out of the corner of my eye in the emergency room. An antibiotic, which must be given within 20 minutes, the nurse injects manually timed by the clock. These 20 minutes she is busy with only this one child, who needs to be kept all this time in one position. The other children in the department are waiting for the nurse to become free. The need to inject these antibiotics is sometimes four times a day. In fact, we have almost nothing in our department, except walls, beds (about them is a different story), and our hands. It should not be!

The walls of the department are decorated with funny, bright pictures

The height of the racks for drip bottles is no longer regulated, and they are kept with plasters and bandages

Lifesaving for many children the nebulizers are only two in the department and one of them is for the home use only

Yes, indeed, so clearly should not be! But however, there are ... 2 intensive care units in the 5th Children's Hospital and all the forces are directed to support their operation. This of course has its own logic. However, it should be noted that the equipment of some therapeutic medical departments with basic devices would reduce the number of children entering into these intensive care units. For example, Natasha Kosheva (one of the children we’re running a fundraising for) was frequently transported among the isolation and the intensive care departments simply because in the isolation department there is no normal suction which removes the accumulated sputum. According to the head of the department, now three more children with severe diseases are waiting to be transferred from the intensive care unit into their department, but the doctors delay this as much as they can, because they understand there are simply no possibilities to nurse children with such severe diseases.

Of special note are the living conditions in the department. Doctors sigh, "it happens, that parents come to us in horror and cry that will not remain in such terrible conditions. But they have no choice ... Their children need our help, and the wards are what they are ...."

One of the wards of the department

Because the babies are in the department, their mothers are almost always with them. In fact, the department must have 45 children's beds and 45 beds beside them where the mothers can sleep. It is impossible to speak without tears about these beds. The beds do not usually withstand two years old active children and these very active children together with the bottom fall out of bed. Beds for the mothers – even a sadder story. The beds with the iron-clad grid are considered to be premium and mothers hunt for them. Because for the most of them the "bed" is something hand-made: the frame, welded from the metal "corner", as well as hand-made legs with two wooden planks above. The mattresses are even relatively new ones. But the "bed" itself ...

The same problem is with bedside tables: the table without doors, but still with a drawer is considered to be good; the bad bedside table is when there are no doors, no box, no legs ... "One school gave us desks, which were written off. So we are happy now - there is at least a table in the ward, on which you can put a plate! "- tell the doctors of the department.


1. Autoclaves (dry-air sterilizers) volume of 40 liters (required for sterilization of instruments, baby bottles, etc.) - 1 piece

There are two autoclaves at the department. The day after our visit, one was broken, paralyzing the work of the department for a half day

2. Programmable Syringe pumps - 1 piece

3. Medical suction with a battery (device for sputum and mucus evacuation in children with lung diseases or unable to swallow the saliva because of brain damage. It is needed exactly with a battery, as there are no outlets in the wards, and sometimes it is urgent to remove the sputum, no time to pull the extender from the corridor, etc.) - 1 piece

4. Professional level compressor Nebulizer (the device for inhalation is in high demand in this department, some children need inhalations every 2-3 hours, so a nebulizer for the home use simply can not withstand such a load, and one or two devices are not enough for all the children) - 3 pieces

5. Dezaktin (disinfectant) - all the time and in large quantities

6. Beds for the parents, subject to the disinfection treatment (not every bed can survive the intensive treatment which is needed in this department) - 30 pieces

7. Beds for children - 40 pieces

8. Adjustable beds for children (with possibility to adjust the slope of the bed, etc.) - 5 pieces

9. Bedside tables - 45 pieces

10. Diapers for orphans, especially flannelette. Disposable diapers, wipes, baby food for the orphans are needed occasionally (their number and age change, planning in advance is difficult)

When we phoned the curator of the department and offered our help, she said, "We really need help!". Arriving at the department, we found that in some aspects the situation is very critical. We are convinced that many things can be corrected, and to provide the minimum needed for the effective treatment of children is realistic. We hope very much that there are people who will buy into this department.


You can help by using convenient ways of donation (PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, Webmoney, etc.)


Zaporozhye Municipal Children's Multitype Hospital # 5

Address: Ukraine, 69076, Zaporozhye, Novgorodskaya Street, 28-a (The Hortitsky district, bus stop "Novgorodskaya")

Phones: Head doctor: +38(061)2249419

Admission department: + 38(061)2249386

Information desk: +38(061)2249389

Phone of the isolation department: +38(061)2771760

Head of the isolation department: Katerine A. Taver

For further information please contact the volunteers of “The Happy Child” Foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Anya and Danylo Tarasovy
Anya and Danylo Tarasovy

Musculoskeletal development disorders, delayed psycho-motor development (DPMD)

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Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

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You donated in 2025

$ 32 203

Our expenses in 2025
To 30 sick children $8 301
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 702
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 426
Service expenses: $2 283
Total sum of expenses: $18 744

$7 083 413

donated since 2007