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Katya Radeva, born in 2004 - retroperitoneal neuroblastoma with extension into the abdominal cavity. Stage 3

December 24, 2013, 21:00 6921 Author: Inna Grigorieva, Alina Senyuk, translated by Oxana Burns www.deti.zp.ua Katya has finished her life journey on March 30th 2015. There are no more pains, tears and sufferings…

Katya Radeva, born 21.12.2004

Diagnosis: retroperitoneal neuroblastoma with extension into the abdominal cavity. Stage 3.

News about Katya Radeva’s treatment

Medical certificate - 1

Medical certificate -2

Medical check-out: page 1 page 2

How to help

The report on the donations received

Telephone numbers of the parents and volunteers

Katya has finished her life journey on March 30th 2015. There are no more pains, tears and sufferings…

Many years and months of a long battle for life, you all, our dear friends, were Katya’s guardian-angels! You, her parents and doctors did everything possible to help little Katya. But God took this little princess home…

When donating money (even if it is only a dollar) for treatment of a sick child, we always hope that it will help this kid to recover and get on his/her feet. And it applies to each and every one of us ... And when a couple of months or years later we find out that the child was cured, we rejoice so much as we feel involved in this great event. But there is the other side of the coin. When after a certain period of time you learn that a child became worse or had a setback, we have chills all over the skin…

Katya enjoyed being a pupil of the first grade. But not for long ... The child began to lose weight, complain of pain in her legs, but it was ascribed to the increased workload.

In early December 2011, the girl's body temperature began to rise. Her parents went to the clinic and underwent medical tests. The index of SFU (syncytium forming unit) was significantly high in the blood, and three weeks later, the induration appeared in the abdomen. Her parents consulted the surgeon and made ultrasonography... As the doctors suspected neuroblastoma, the girl was sent to the regional children's hospital.

Katya was operated in the hospital and her material was sent for histological examination to the National Cancer Institute (in Kiev), where the initial diagnosis was confirmed and medication was prescribed.

Then she had one and a half courses of chemotherapy in Kiev and the next one was in the National Institute of Cancer. The child suffered serious complications after chemotherapy. Things were particularly bad with her eating – being 125 cm tall, Katya lost weight from 25 to 15 kg.

The child was kept on tube feeding and chemotherapy courses were corrected. After three full courses, Katya gained weight up to 23 kilograms!

But even after everything she had gone through, Katya is trying to stay cheerful. This girl loves to do creative work, make lively paintings.

When Vauro Senezi, a famous Italian cartoonist, visited young patients at the Institute of Cancer, he knew that little Katya dreamed of becoming an artist and suggested exchanging the paintings which they would make at the same time. Katya’s paining with red poppies is now hung on the wall in the artist's studio in Rome, and Vauro’s magic pencil will definitely bring success to the girl.

Little Katya has been fighting with cancer for a few years which after recession returned again!

Expensive treatment in Germany is needed urgently. German Clinic of Greifswald is ready to take Katya and billed 231,000.00 euros for the first stage of treatment. We are asking you not to leave his family in this difficult situation and help in any possible way to raise funds for the treatment!

The family lives in the Zaporozhye region.

The phone numbers to communicate with her parents: +38 096 547 94 51, +38 095 85 38 850.

The support group of Katya Radeva on Vkontakte

For further information you can also contact the staff of the "Happy Child" charity foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva

Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

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Zakhar Bondar
Zakhar Bondar


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You donated in 2025

$ 32 203

Our expenses in 2025
To 30 sick children $8 301
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 702
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 426
Service expenses: $2 283
Total sum of expenses: $18 744

$7 083 413

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