Ksenia Popova, birthdate: 10.12.2010
Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
News about Ksenia Popova’s treatment
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Ksenia was born a healthy and normal baby on 12 December 2010. She grew up strong and healthy.
Before her illness
In 2014 Ksenia started the first year of kindergarten healthy as can be. Like all kids she got a little cold, took some medicine at home and was back in school in no time. In school she was always active, cheerful and full of energy. She was so active she couldn’t even sit still for one minute! But then her family realized that something was not right – Ksenia lost her appetite. After visiting the doctors she and her family were told the unfortunate news that she has acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Her family thought that it must be a mistake!
Before March 8th, Ksenia fell ill and this time she had to take antibiotics. She recovered once again and went back to kindergarten, but something wasn’t right. She had an abnormal temperature and we were all very concerned. During the March 8th celebration Ksenia was happy and carefree. Ksenia danced, recited fairytales and had fun with her classmates.
But only a few days later her parents noticed that she had swollen lymph nodes and immediately took her to the hospital. The doctor prescribed her antibiotics. Her condition improved and on Wednesday she was discharged. But on Thursday the hospital called her family and said that she must immediately retake some tests. On Friday Ksenia was admitted to the Zaporozhzhe Regional Hospital. We were terribly worried because we didn’t have time to pack any bags and the doctors didn’t have time to explain anything.
And then began the checkups – tests, pricking, ultrasound and anesthesia. The scary part of the ordeal was that we had no clue what was going on. Ksenia’s lively and happy eyes began to fade into sadness. The 6 June 2015 test results showed that she had blasts in 97.6% of her blood and it was confirmed that she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. From that day on a new chapter in Ksenia’s life started.
Ksenia urgently needs to go to Minsk to the Republic Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology to continue treatment. Her chances of recovery are much better in Minsk than in Ukraine.
Right now we are asking for 30,000 US dollars or 657,000 hryvnias in order to save the life of this little girl.
We ask, once again, if you can help please make a donation. Let’s give Ksenia a beautiful childhood and a healthy future.
The family lives in Berdyansk in the Zaporozhzhe Region.
You can reach the family by contacting the mother at +38 095 136 57 16.