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Darya Sukach: “The Struggle does on!”

February 2, 2016, 16:40 1744 Author: Darya Sukach deti.zp.ua Notwithstanding the earlier joy of victory against the cancer, Dasha enters the new battle for her life. The disease relapse caught the girl and now after the exhausting operation she stands before the 12 cycles of chemotherapy which she lacks money for.

Colonoscopy and biopsy results

Post operational biopsy results

Preliminary chemotherapy bill: page 1. page 2. page 3.

It is quite surprising how life can change in a glance… This May, when it became obvious that my tumor has gone, I was the happiest girl on the Earth! All my previous trials – radiation therapy, innumerable examinations seemed to sink into oblivion… This summer I went to the seashore and even fulfilled my dream - I have swum for the first time in my life! I’ve returned to my favorite job, had some meetings with my friends, started dreaming of overland journeys again…

On the seaside...

But my joy of life out of the hospital walls turned to be short-dated. My check-up colonoscopy revealed some new formations, that unfortunately turned to be cancerous… Medics were shocked by the speed of growth of these tumors thus thecouncil of physicians has decided to turn to the emergency surgery. TheeighthofSeptemberbecame the beginning of my new life with ileostomy (small intestine drawn into the abdominal cavity). During the operation, 14 cm of my intestines were cut off along with the tumors. I have the perspective of operational reconstruction and closure of my stomach, but check-up biopsy has shown that the removed tumor is so aggressive that there is high risk of the new relapse.

Preparing to the operation

In the end of October, I am going to start a half-year chemotherapy course according to the FOLKS4+AVASTIN protocol (12 cycles, 1ce per 2 week). Preliminary calculations show that one cycle of the chemotherapy will cost me 28 871 hrn, excluding additional medicines that I could require if any severe side effects are to happen, daily hospital expenses, apartment rental and travel expenses (the therapy takes place in Kiev). Now I also have to spend coin on incontinence bags and their elements (creams and plates). All this makes me sad and means that I have a need of Your prayers and financial support, lacking these I cannot win this harsh battle for my own tomorrow. I’ve calculated that if I had to take all the money from mine and my mother’s pensions it would take 30 years to achieve my grand goal… My father’s modest income as a whole goes into food and maintenance services, so my only hope to fight on is your help – my good and kind-hearted people!

Postsurgical Rehabilitation

Thanks to my loyal friend say the men I have resources for the first two chemother apycyclesbutal to get her lack money on the rest of them. There is also an operation after that, which I hope will return my life to the former mainstream.

Forever grateful for all and any financial support! Trust me, there is no such thing as a modest sum in the case of help to your fellow person. Any contributions on my therapy – one more beam of hope and love, that cures body and soul no less than medicine itself!

In the hospital

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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