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Additional staff for children in Tavria (Kirovo) House for Disabled people

January 11, 2017, 20:10 2767 Author: Nina Kokoeva deti.zp.ua "Happy Child" hired two caregivers, who will provide better living conditions and development for these children

At the end o November due to efforts of Charity Foundation Happy Child additional medical observation was organized in two groups of Kirovskiy orphanage for children from groups 7 and 8 (children with diagnoses cerebral palsy, episyndrome, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and other associated diseases). According to the results of observation special protein nutrition was recommended for underweight children, some of them get food through probe. In December on costs of Charity Foundation Happy Child medicines and probes were bought, and special nutrition.

More over, since 15th of November due to financial support of our partners from Maya’s Hope organization we hired two caregivers for providing better conditions, maintenance and development of these children. In such way we aim to develop government standards of maintaining children with special needs and encourage increasing of working staff in orphanages. Although some of them spend most their life in cribs they also need attention and constant care. Among everyday activities besides hygiene procedures different exercises are held: finger gymnastic, games with various objects, elements of physical activity etc.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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Mykhailo Rotar
Mykhailo Rotar

Delay in mental and language development

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Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs
Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs

Autism, lactose intolerance

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You donated in 2024

$ 188 559

Our expenses in 2024
To 77 sick children $59 632
Medical equipment: $9 514
Humanitarian help: $34 325
To disabled children: $65 409
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 780
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 251
Service expenses: $28 386
Total sum of expenses: $232 942

$6 958 157

donated since 2007