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The child needs a family: Valery - born in 2006

October 4, 2021, 14:30 2029 Author: Text of the article - Yulia Plyasova, Filming and editing - Ruslan Zhirov Valery - A kind and deep boy! (application form No. 0389750).


Valera was born in 2006. At the time of filming, he is 14 years old. He is in the 6th grade. His favorite school subject is computer science. The boy is a little embarrassed and closed. He was not very willing to answer our questions. Most likely, something prevents him from trusting people now. Three of his most cherished desires: happiness, family and love. It is wonderful that the hero of our plot thinks about the lofty and spiritual. Material things are of little interest to him. Valera has sad eyes, but very beautiful, blue as the sea, and radiates kindness and wisdom. This is what Valera willingly demonstrated to us - his skills in driving, ball handling, both in playing football and basketball, and exercising on simulators. Although for certain reasons, sadness has settled in the soul of this boy, at the moment, but he does not get tired of dreaming and believing in his bright future, in his family and that there will be people who will accept him, understand and “warm him up”. And we also sincerely believe that Valera will still experience the happiness of family comfort and communication with good and loving parents!

If you are interested in adopting child, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents; you can also contact Children’s Affairs' service of the Zaporozhia State Administration by telephone (061) 239-01-56 and provide Sasha profile number (No. 0402606).

Other children who dream of finding a family

If for some reason you are currently not able to adopt (for example, you are a student and do not have a family of your own yet) you are still able to help children at a boarding school (an orphanage with your financial support. Ways you can help include: planning and participating in excursions and trips for children; visiting a child in an orphanage; or helping purchase developmental toys, books, construction sets, and sports equipment.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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