The life of a five-year-old girl turned into a queue of hospitals, examinations, consultations and sleepless nights for her mother. A lot of time was wasted while waiting for the diagnosis, and finally the specialists identified the root of the problems.
The life of a five-year-old girl turned into a queue of hospitals, examinations, consultations and sleepless nights for her mother. A lot of time was wasted while waiting for the diagnosis, and finally the specialists identified the root of the problems - Vika has type 1 diabetes.
Nadezhda grabbed onto something to relieve the child's condition. Experts advised purchasing an insulin pump. The medical device is an alternative to multiple daily injections of insulin. The hormone is administered subcutaneously. Volunteers of the Happy Child Foundation and caring people helped to purchase the pump. And these efforts were not in vain.
The child and his mother still need help and support.