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We help children with cerebral palsy live more comfortably!

April 20, 2021, 19:33 671 Author: Yana Lobanok Medicines were purchased for Alisa Tretyak and Vika Khimich.

We help children with cerebral palsy live more comfortably!

We helped two wonderful girls get treatment in time. We bought the medicine "Nakom" for Victoria Himich. She takes it constantly, and today we have met the need for the next four months. For Alice Tretyak we purchased a whole list of meds to improve brain function. We regularly help families with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We cannot cure these children, but it is in our power to improve the quality of life for them. By providing families with medicines, diapers and formula, we make their lives more comfortable. Which means happier!

Support our program to help children with cerebral palsy, so that we can continue to help. You can also sign up for monthly donation – and then we can help even more effectively!

Doing good deeds together!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Viktoriia Stepura
Viktoriia Stepura

Chronic bronchitis

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Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

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You donated in 2025

$ 32 203

Our expenses in 2025
To 30 sick children $8 301
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 702
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 426
Service expenses: $2 283
Total sum of expenses: $18 744

$7 083 413

donated since 2007