Violetta Yurchenko has been under the care of our foundation for almost 2 years. All this time, the baby lives thanks to daily maintenance therapy and peritoneal dialysis. Her kidneys practically failed — only transplantation from an unrelated donor can change the situation.
Through the joint efforts of doctors and our contributors, we manage to maintain her satisfactory condition. Thanks to the constant availability of the necessary drugs and additional nutrition, Violetta has been doing without resuscitation for already half a year! The price of a stable satisfactory state of health is about $350 per month. The amount, of course, is not exorbitant, but for a single mother without relatives, who does not have the opportunity to work, it is unrealistic.
The little princess from birth remains a hostage of her imperfect body. To this day, even such small joys as playing with friends on the street, visiting kindergarten and elementary school are unknown to her. But, alas, hospital walls, daily dialysis procedures and painful manipulations are well known.
Violetta has every chance to experience a completely different side of life — all she has to do is to wait for the transplant!
Report on received donations and expenses