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News of Zakhar Bondarа

August 5, 2024, 13:00 61 Author: Nataliia Moroz deti.zp.ua We continue to further support a low-income family in the treatment of their son.

Новини Захара Бондара

Zakhar recently turned sixteen. Due to frequent illnesses, he is forced to limit communication with friends. Zahar's most reliable friend, his little favorite dog Chucky, is always there. This year, the boy finished the 9th grade and fulfilled his dream - he entered college in the direction of Veterinary Medicine. Also, the boy successfully continues his studies at a music school in the class of guitar and piano. As part of the ensemble, he has already given two concerts.

Six years ago, Zakhar fell ill with infectious mononucleosis, which led to complications in the lymphatic and immune systems. Twice a year, he needs to undergo an examination of all internal organs and monitor blood parameters. According to the results, he is prescribed treatment. Unfortunately, the boy had two epileptic attacks this year, so he had to be treated in the hospital.

Новини Захара Бондара

We continue to support Zakhar. In 2024, assistance in the amount of 7.5 thousand hryvnias was provided. The last - in July - payment for a planned examination on a computer tomography and the purchase of medical drugs.

So, we again ask for your continued support of Zakhar! Approximately 15,000 hryvnias (370 US dollars) are required to pay for the following examinations and medical drugs per year

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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Davyd Tereshchenko
Davyd Tereshchenko

Bronchial asthma, allergic vasomotor rhinitis

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Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

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You donated in 2024

$ 144 728

Our expenses in 2024
To 70 sick children $41 234
Medical equipment: $7 266
Humanitarian help: $30 419
To disabled children: $50 358
To children's village: $2 382
To orphans and poor children: $6 763
"Helpus" - help to adults: $19 417
Service expenses: $22 189
Total sum of expenses: $182 499

$6 914 327

donated since 2007