“I work in the medical department of the Happy Child Foundation. We have a busy working day - phone calls, communication with visitors, purchase of medicines, conclusion of contracts and much more.
Our task is to tell about a specific child, his problem and options for help. Therefore, the main and important duty is to write publications on our website in order to thus open a targeted fee for a child. Before we introduce potential donors to the child, we carefully study medical documents, bills and referrals. Our goal is smart charity - so that every donated hryvnia is used as efficiently as possible.
Diseases in the wards of our foundation are very diverse - cystic fibrosis, oncology, various congenital malformations, deafness, Cerebral palsy.
Thanks to donations from friends of our foundation, which anyone can become, we can partially or fully pay for a rehabilitation course for a child with cerebral palsy, pay for an examination or buy medicines. Thus, we make the life of parents of sick children, at least a bit, easier, give them hope and understanding that they are not left alone with their misfortune.
Separately, I would like to say about children with cancer. Very often there are situations when at the time of chemotherapy there is no necessary medication in the Zaporozhye regional hospital, and therapy cannot be interrupted in any way and the cost is calculated in thousands of hryvnias. Then our foundation comes to the rescue and fully or partially covers the need for medicines thanks to a written article about a child and donations from sympathetic people.
Another responsibility of mine is to participate in the company's charity initiative MAU "Under the wing". On each of its flights, the airline provides two free seats for the flight of the patient and his companion for examination and treatment abroad. I'm checking passengers' medical records.
“There are people who need help, and there are those who want to help. We, as good mediators, help them to meet "
It is important to understand that if you feel good now, then somewhere there are people who need support today. "