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Save a child: Moroz Nadya, 11 years old - brainstem tumor

March 31, 2007, 0:00 5971 Author: Albert Pavlov, Zaporozhye, Ukraine (translated by Polyglot agency, Zaporozhye) www.deti.zp.ua Nadya had the brain tumor and died in May 2007

Nadya was born on 9th February 1996

Nadya died May 27, 2007

Diagnosis: brainstem diffuse glioma with extension to neighboring parts of the brainstem.

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Mother – Svetlana Nikolayevna Moroz (mob. tel. +3 8 098 429 28 64)

In June 2006 Nadyusha started to complain on headache, sometimes she vomited. Local doctors had difficulties in determining diagnosis, that’s why at the beginning of September, mother brought Nadya to Zaporozhye regional children's hospital for consultation. On 4th September, 2006, a tomography showed brainstem tumor. After that there was a trip to Kiev to the Institute of neurosurgery. MPT of cerebrum defined a precise diagnosis – brainstem glioma, occlusive hydrocephaly. The mother with her daughter came back to Zaporozhye to go through radial therapy in the 5th municipal hospital. 43 sessions were over, Nadya was feeling very bad – a shunting was carried out, the girl went through a clinical death. In October – radiation again, Nadya began to feel a little bit better. Having gone through radiation therapy, doctors of the city of Kiev recommended going through a couple of sessions of chemotherapy with TEMODAL. Nadya has to take this expensive medicine for five days, every day once a month. According to doctors’, Nadya needs 5 pills, 20 mg each and 10 pills 100mg each for one session. The cost of a five-day treatment in this case will be about $1500. The treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Over a month Nadya was at her home in the village – the family didn’t have money to come to Zaporozhye. For a couple of months Nadya hasn’t got up, she lies in bed. Fortunately, friends don’t forget Nadyusha, visit her. Nadyusha loves painting, reading fairy tales, listening to music. On 9th February Nadya had her birthday, she turned 11. On a wonderful coincidence, Nadya’s elder sister was born on the same day, but 5 years later. Nadya’s elder sister is already 16.

It happened so that Nadya’s illness caused her parents divorce – as it often happens, father’s cannot bear the ordeal of a child’s illness. This has aggravated Nadya and her mother’s psychological state.

Since February 2007 Nadya and her mother are in hematology of the city of Zaporozhye. Nadya has gor severe headaches, doctors prescribed her some painkillers. Last week they had to do MTP of brain, and this took the last 900 grn. Nadya’s mother still thinks in the same way as she did before Nadya’s illness “We only need to live to 25th February – and they will give us pension”. But we, volunteers realize that we have only two ways - either in the nearest future fine $1500 for the first session of TEMODAL, or condemn the child to rapid and painful death. We understand clearly that brain tumor – is an extremely unfavorable thing, but we will do everything possible to relieve this girl’s sufferings.

Mobile telephone of Svetlana Nikolayevna, Nadya’s mother +3 8 098 429 28 64

You can send donation in any department of Privatbank, transferring money to the card № 4627 0817 5879 3256 (Moroz Svetlana Nikolayevna)

Nadya goes through a treatment in oncohematology department of Zaporozhye regional children’s hospital (70 Lenin Avenue, 5th floor) - tel. +3 8 061 222-21-50

Nadya lives with her mother and sister at the following address:

Zaporozhye region, Tokmak district, the village of Ostrikovсovka, 29 Voroshylova street

Home telephone +3 8 06178 97-6-55

Albert Pavlov, a volunteer from Zaporozhye is in charge of Nadya - tel. +3 8 066 5133435, detizp@mail.ru

When transferring money in any way, please inform the mother about the payment information and send it to the child’s mother or volunteer of the city of Zaporozhye.

WebMoney WMZ961025609037 of the volunteer from Zaporozhye Albert Pavlov (when adding money to this account, write in the comment – first and last names of a child)

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How to donate money to sick children

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