What can be more generous than helping those who are sick and in need? Especially if they are bedridden children, who haven’t managed to enjoy life yet? Kids with health problems and orphans can get help at the Happy Child charity foundation and its president Albert Pavlov.
Albert Pavlov – a man of vast soul
Photo by Vyacheslav Lavrinets
Albert Pavlov made an outstanding team of people who – like him – don’t stay away from the problems of the others. The volunteers of the foundation work from morning until night, on the weekends and holidays. They make trips to the orphanages that need financial and spiritual help, they help orphans to find adoptive parents, raise funds for the treatment of sick children, find donors and sponsors.
The charity has a transparent flow of funds. At the deti.zp.ua website everyone can get detailed financial reports on the money transferred and spent. For instance, in 2012 the fund raised 2, 651 029 hryvnyas (approximately 324, 873 thousand US dollars) on various needs: for sick children, medical equipment and help to orphans; 1, 385 682 hryvnyas (approximately 170,730 thousand US dollars) were transferred for the children’s treatment and surgeries. One can say a lot about the sums and efforts of the foundation’s staff, but their deeds speak for themselves.
Get involved!
In 2012 the foundation raised money to pay for medical examinations, drugs and surgeries of 213 children.
Daniella Rudenko will be four years old on March, 20, 2013. She is diagnosed with retinoblastoma. The Happy Child charity foundation transferred 89, 862 hryvnyas (approximately 11,000 US dollars) for the girl’s treatment.
Daniella Rudenko
Daniella underwent surgery in the clinic of Essen, Germany, where her tumor-affected eye was excised and replaced with prosthesis. The following treatment will be financed out of the account of the “Happy Child” foundation. One day Daniella’s parents noticed some unnatural radiance in their daughter’s right eye. The examination proved it to be a tumor – retinoblastoma. Being 3 years old the little girl already knows how it feels after chemotherapy and how painful it is after surgery. The treatment is not yet finished – Daniella needs medical examination and prosthesis replacement every three months! So the family is still in need of your financial support!
Кristina Voytovich – non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In 2012 the fund transferred 42, 292 hryvnyas (approximately 5,182 US dollars) for her treatment. However in December 2012 a new disaster occurred – on the way to the supermarket the girl was hit and run over by a car… This family needs your help a lot now! Here is the cell phone of Elena, Kristina’s mom: +38 (097) 07931 28.
Kristina Voytovich
Nikita Logvinenko - orphan, 18-years old. Systemic scleroderma, chronicity. This is when the immune system of the patient attacks the organs and tissues of own body, particularly joints, muscles and skin.
Nikita Logvinenko
18-year-old Nikita has had a lot of trials in his life. At 12 he lost his mother – the closest person who raised him, took care of him and lived for his sake. Nikita has never seen his dad, this subject was a taboo in the family. So in 2004, on his mom’s funeral the boy realized he was the only master of his life. After graduating from a boarding school Nikita was sent to a professional college in Akimovka town to study Cooking and Pastry cooking. However after college the hospital became his new home. Nikita was given a room in a municipal dormitory only after the Happy Child charity foundation contacted to the Social Services. The young man needs constant medical examinations, treatment and supervision, but for now his tiny disability benefit makes his only income. Of course this money is not enough for the boy to provide for himself and to cover the treatment costs. Nikita needs our financial and spiritual support! His phone number is +38 (097) 055 76 33. You can find out about the way to transfer funds on our website.
Sophia Geiko, diagnosed with acute lymphoblast leukemia. At the end of November 2012 Sofiya’s treatment in Minsk, Belarus was finished and she returned home. Together with her mom the girl spent long 30 months in the Belarus Centre of Oncology. Here is what her mother says:
"The overall costs constituted about 60 000 USD. Almost half of the sum was raised thanks to many generous people and charity foundations. From the bottom of my mother’s heart, from all our family we bow our thanks to you who helped us".
Sophia Geiko
You can find out about those in need by proceeding to our website www.deti.zp.ua. Give yourself a chance to be kinder in our time of indifference.
The volunteers of the foundation work from morning till night, on weekends and holidays
Photo by Vyacheslav Lavrinets