The ninth chemo round started!
My dear angels!
Spring is on its way and it brings a great joy to me even though it is the second spring since I started my fight with colon cancer. I would really like to believe that this spring will make my biggest wish come true – will put an end to my treatment and make me cancer free!
Relaxing during chemo
Colon cancer is very tricky (as actually any other cancer, unfortunately…) and is sadly known due to its relapses. This is what happened to me. Last summer I was celebrating my triumph over cancer, went to the seaside for the first time in my life, and was dreaming to make a trip to Lviv in fall. But at the end of August last year, during one of my follow-up colonoscopies (a procedure allowing to examine all the colon though a camera attached to a tube) new growths were detected – to my horror the cancer was back… After that, everything was like a nightmare: endless consultations with oncologists, more and more tests, complicated surgery to remove the tumor and part of colon, getting accustomed to the temporary ileostomy (small intestine brought out of the body), exhausting rounds of chemo, hepatitis B detected in my blood…
With a merry rooster. Kyiv, February 2016
In the beginning, six months of chemo seemed horrible to me, but with the help of God, my parents and friends I have already completed nine rounds and, if God gives me enough strength, I hope I can make three more. Even in the moments of sadness you all, my dear angels (how else can I call you?), prove me that this world needs me and that I will win my battle. Though my main challenges – examinations and reconstruction surgery (to close the ostomy) – are still ahead and, unfortunately, I have almost no money left to cover those expenses as all the money you gave me is spend for the chemo and additional medications. Based on my preliminary estimates, I need to raise about USD 1300. I will know the exact amount when I have the official invoice in my hands.
With my fluffy travel companion. On my way to Kyiv to another chemo round
I am very thankful to all of you who help me in my fight with cancer! Your faith in me makes me smile in spite of all challenges. Your support – both moral and financial – is very important for me. I want to believe that one day I will also be able to make this world a better place for someone, just as you do – all the angels I know and do not know!