Now that you are acquainted with our site, please choose the category of children you would like to help.
Regularly updated requests for sick children are placed on the page Save sick Ukrainian children!
You may choose to help children in any of the internats (orphanages) of the Zaporozhye area, the region we serve, and you may also participate personally in our frequent internat visits and programs. These internats are of two kinds: those for children without disabilities and those for children with special needs.
We express our appreciation to donors and benefactors on the page Financial reports. The financial reports contain complete information about our income, our expenses, and how we use the help provided. If you wish, you may visit our orphanages at any time to make sure your donations or gifts are properly used. We'll publish photos of children with your gifts as soon as possible, though there may be some delay if our schedule is busy.
Managers of Internet websites and editors of mass-media publications can help the children by placing our banners and information on their sites.
We feel accountable, not only to our donors and benefactors, but also to God who calls us to this humanitarian task of caring for God’s little ones.
Here is the complete list of the orphanages of Zaporozhye Region
Please check the page to donate money to see how to transfer funds to us for orphans' needs.
Material needs for orphans without disabilities:
Sponsors for educational programs
Sponsors for camping trips and excursions
Clothing - new or almost new clothes for boys and girls from 4 months up to 18 years - T-shirts, vests, trousers, jeans, sweaters, jackets, caps.
New footwear - shoes, boots, slippers
Underwear - socks, pajamas, pants.
Bed-clothes - bed-sheets, pillowcases, blanket covers, towels, blankets, mattresses.
Sports equipment – soccer balls, volleyballs, basketballs, ping-pong tables, rackets, nets, and ping-pong balls, rackets for badminton and tennis.
Vitamins – multivitamins for children
Developmental toys – Geomag ( is an excellent toy construction system, very sturdy, helps develop creative thinking. The Geomag components are interchangeable, and with several different sets children can create quite complex models. Another site for useful toys is __________. In addition, boys love model cars of all kinds.
Bicycles – donated bikes are placed under the tutors’ control. Children in internats seldom have the pleasure of riding bicycle.
Repair of internat buildings – windows, sanitary facilities, painting, carpets, etc.
Computers – having computers to use sparks children’s interest in study and brings them knowledge of the outside world; computer skills are necessary if they are to find success in the world outside the orphanage.
Upon request donors may receive full reports (photos, documents, etc.) about any and all humanitarian help they provide. Even better, donors or their representatives may themselves visit the internats (orphanages) we support to see for themselves. We can also connect you with people who have already helped us to check their experience.
Needs for orphans with disabilities
Wheelchairs – new and funds for repair
Special aids for children with cerebral palsy and other physical limitations
Nutritional supplements and vitamins – Peptamen, for example
Ongoing funding for teachers, therapists, and doctors
Teaching aids, books, and crafts
Handicap access ramps and sanitary facilities
Please contact us to find out what needs are most pressing currently.
How to send a parcel directly to an internat (orphanage)
Donations and gifts are best sent to Happy Child in Zaporozhye for us to deliver on your behalf. In this way we can guarantee that the gifts sent through us will be used according to donors’ requests. However, it is possible to send parcels directly to the internat (orphanage). If so, please write to us first so that we can track the packages and please indicate that “this gift was solicited through Happy Child Charitable Fund at website”
US and Canadian citizens can use following companies for shipping parcels to Ukraine:
MEEST America:; MEEST Canada:
Polonez Parcel Service:
Some Ukrainian Internet shops offer toys, developmental games, and construction sets for children. Donors do not need to worry about delivery, since the store handles that.
We recommend contacting us before ordering.
For those unable to help children financially, please share information about our work with your friends and relatives.
We are grateful for any help!