Maxim Anokhin, born in 05.06.2021
Diagnosis: Hepatitis, congenital heart disease.
News about Maxim Anokhin's treatment
ATTENTION! AS OF 10/22/2021: Fundraising has been suspended!
We are sincerely grateful to our assistants! The kid is preparing for the upcoming transplant.
Recently Maksimushka turned one month old! He spent a whole month fighting for his own life and health. His family is working hard to keep the little life going! Unfortunately, all resources and savings have already been spent on the diagnosis and treatment of the baby. Mom and dad, brother and sister are begging for help!
During pregnancy and after childbirth, neither parents nor doctors even suspected that the baby might have health problems. They were discharged from the district maternity hospital with a certificate of the child's satisfactory condition.
Maxim was active and loud from birth - his mother believed that he just had such a temperament. But at home, the parents began to notice that their little son had an immeasurably large tummy, which was growing every day. The skin began to take on a yellow-blue tint. In the end, on the 6th day of the baby's life, the mother went to the doctors. They were immediately sent to the Zaporozhye regional hospital.
Since that time, a desperate struggle for the life and health of Maxim began. In the neonatal pathology department, doctors assumed and rejected many diagnoses, conducted a huge number of expensive examinations. All for the recovery of our little hero! As a result, the cause was identified - congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Two more serious diagnoses were previously established: hepatitis and congenital heart disease.
Every day, from 73 to 440 dollars is spent on Maksimka's treatment. As of today, doctors are deciding the issue of sending the child for treatment and examination in Kiev. All the resources of the relatives have been exhausted, the family is in despair. Mom believes in the happy future of her son, that he will grow up courageous and kind, that he has a long and happy life ahead of him! But now his fate depends on the professionalism of doctors and the kindness of caring people!
The family lives in the Zaporozhye region, Novonikolaevsky district
For more information, you can also contact the staff Of the "Happy Child Foundation"