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Would You Like to Join our Support Sick Ukrainian Children Project? That’s Easy!

November 25, 2012, 17:30 10001 Author: Iryna Gavrysheva, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Even if you live in the USA or Germany you still can support Ukrainian children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis by purchasing necessary devices, special nutrition, and vitamins for them!

Photo: zastavki.at.ua

What really truly frustrates me about my charity work is when parents of sick children ask us to help them with buying some medicine that’s unavailable in Ukraine. We have been especially confronting this vexing issue since we’ve started to support little patients diagnosed with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis). Unfortunately, it has turned out that children suffering from this genetic disorder cannot buy such vitally important medicine as Pulmozine and Tobi. To make matters worse – there is no special nutrition or even vitamins for such special children in Ukraine! What shall one do in such a dead-end situation? Wouldn’t it be better to close our eyes and pretend as if this problem never existed or should we try to look for a way out? We have chosen the second option. We’re asking you, our kind donors, for your support! If you’re currently in the USA or Germany and can do online shopping, you can give the most valuable help to many suffering children in Ukraine!

Cystic fibrosis affects enzyme function of the pancreatic gland, and thus, the body cannot break down fat molecules. That results in severe underweight that often leads to total utter exhaustion. The only way to avoid this is to provide a sick person with some special nutrition. The only problem is one can’t buy such food in Ukraine! One can, however, buy Nutrien-Pulmo in Russia. But again - if an adult will somehow force him\herself to eat such gross tasting food, a child would hardly be able to do the same. There is a wonderful choice of such food in the USA and Germany. One can enjoy meals with banana, chocolate, strawberry or vanilla flavor that is really important when it concerns sick children. In the USA one can also buy Scandical – a taste-free powder that adds calories to any sort of meals. Almost all the children with cystic fibrosis constantly need special nutrition unless they develop properly.

Due to lipolysis dysfunction, people with cystic fibrosis suffer from food and vitamin digestive problems (For example, vitamin D for bones, K for blood coagulation, A and E for vision and skin). The only chance to decrease vitamin deficiency is to take water-soluble vitamins. And again, this “joy” is unavailable in Ukraine. It’s possible to buy such vitamins in America. One package is supposed to be for a month-course. Children should continuously take such courses. We cannot even dream about this in Ukraine so far. It’d be great to afford at least one package for three months…

There is another thorny issue connected with cystic fibrosis – hypoxia (so-called deprivation of oxygen). Although our little friends bravely have to face constant oxygen lack, it is very important to control their blood oxygen level. Therefore, every sick child should have a finger pulse oximeter that will make it possible to identify this critical moment when the lungs are exhausted and need some more oxygen. It is essentially important to have a device that would quickly show the exact data. Patients in Russia strongly recommend Nonin oximeter device. We currently have no other alternative but to buy such devices in Ukraine that cost exactly the same but are not so accurate. This device can serve many years, so if you manage to help with purchasing one device, it will certainly change someone’s life for the better.

If you want to support our project from the USA you can purchase:

- Vitamins aqueAdeks: softgel tablets or pediatric liquid

- Special nutrition Scandishake for weight gain (with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla flavor)

- Scandical calorie booster.

- Nonin Onyx 9500 9590 Finger Oximeter (you can buy it at the medical devices shops or Ebay-com.)

After you purchase the item send it to the address:

Vovkovinska Svetlana

915 48 ave. NW

Rochester MN 55901


Svetlana is our helper in the USA who kindly agreed to collect the parcels and then send them all to Ukraine. This way you will be able to save your time and money. You’re still welcome to send us your purchased items directly if you like!

If you want to support our project from Germany you can purchase:

- Special nutrition Calshake (with vanilla, chocolate, banana or strawberry flavor).

- Nonin Onyx 9500 9590 Finger Oximeter (you can buy it at Ebay-de.)

After you purchase the item send it to the address:

Shleimovych Borys Maryna

Freiherr-vom-Stein Strasse 4




Boris is our helper in Germany who kindly agreed to collect some small parcels and then send them to Ukraine. Note, please: In case of big parcels you should not send them to Boris since he cannot keep and send large things.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about our current urgent needs!

Children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis really need our support. Thanks to your great help we’ve managed to do a lot recently. There are still many unsolved problems left however. A single family cannot conquer this battle alone. But together we’re a powerful army! We can make children’s life better, brighter and longer! If we combine our efforts, step by step we’ll make a great change!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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You donated in 2025

$ 31 610

Our expenses in 2025
To 28 sick children $7 823
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 609
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 235
Service expenses: $2 268
Total sum of expenses: $17 968

$7 082 618

donated since 2007