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Semenihin Artyom, 7 years old, 19.11.2007 and Semenihin Dmitriy 27.03.2000 - Cystic Fibrosis, severe condition

December 25, 2015, 23:00 11336 Author: Olga Vovk, translated by Ivan deti.zp.ua Two brothers, twice as much happiness twice as much worries for one frail woman. Alyona asks for help for her children.

Semenihin Artyom, 7 years old, 19.11.2007 and Semenihin Dmitriy 27.03.2000

Diagnosis: Cystic Fibrosis, severe condition.

News about the treatment Semenikhin brothers

Medical report: page 1, page 2

Certificate: page 1, page 2

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The report on the received donations


Greetings, my name is Alyona, and I would like you to meet my family and to get acquainted with our story. I take care of two marvelous sons of mine. Dima, the elder he is 15 years old already, and the little Tyoma 7 years old. Both of my boys have Cystic Fibrosis.

It took very long time to diagnose the sickness of the elder boy. We visited different facilities both in Kiev and in Kriviy Rih. When the Cystic Fibrosis was confirmed, we were shocked so much that we couldn’t initially believe in it. Then we’ve started studying the whole case and were trying to accept our future. By this time we have already accustomed to this state of being, despite the complications that followed the initial problem: asthma and Pulmonary heart disease. But we have never given up and started attending the school, and by now we have finished school program of the whole nine classes. My Dima is good learner, nice boy and mother’s little helper. His greatest wish was to have a brother.

And now we have Artyom, his momma’s sunshine and hope for him to be a support and friend for his elder brother. Alas. Same diagnosis here, notwithstanding the doctors statements about all but impossibility of such outcome. And the new coil of suffering that has started from the very beginning – hospitals, medicine droppers, sniffing inhalants, piles of pills.

I tutor my children at home, but I do my best to improve their lives, because it is a harsh life for a youngster when almost any fun can put his life in danger.

Dima is a reader and history lover. Artyom is dreamer and is fond of panting. Both of them are in constant need of Kreon as a substitutionary therapy, as of ursohol, ursofalk, kaptopryl, pulmicrot, ventalin, flexocide, peptamen (for nutritional therapy as both of them are lacking in weight). Above all they have a need to be put under the therapy three or four times a year, not counting any acute recurrences of the disease. Brother required every month our USD 800 for treatment.

Until the recent time we tried to cope by ourselves, with the help of our parents and local hospital. But after the latest increase of medicines prices I simply cannot provide my boys. We have been through so much that we simply can’t stop it here! I sincerely believe that we can hold till this decease can be fully healed of, and we will live on without medicines and hospitals.

Thank you for all the good heartedness and Your help to my boys! Love and Peace to Your families!


Family lives in Dnipropetrovsk

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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Kyrylo Shcherbakov
Kyrylo Shcherbakov

Brain malformations

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