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Masha Sokolova, born in 2014 - Cerebral palsy

January 18, 2022, 18:25 1008 Author: Natalia Moroz Fundraising suspended! Funds for the next course of treatment have been raised.

Masha Sokolova

Masha Sokolova, born in 2014.11.11

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy.

Medical certificate


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Donation Report

ATTENTION! AS OF 07.02.2022: Fundraising suspended!

Funds for the next course of treatment have been raised.


Masha Sokolova

Masha is the first long-awaited child in the family. The pregnancy proceeded well, the birth began on time, but after the birth, the girl was diagnosed with damage to the central nervous system and asphyxia. And at 1.5 months, Masha began to have convulsions. Neither local nor Kiev doctors could help - the treatment did not give good results, it only got worse.

Frequent convulsions haunted the girl for more than two years, until once again the selected therapy finally gave a positive result. The convulsions stopped, and this made it possible to direct efforts towards physical rehabilitation. But in February 2020, Masha had a stroke. They were afraid that she would not undergo the necessary operation. But a miracle happened, Masha not only showed a good response to the treatment, but also quickly recovered and gave a good jump in mental and physical development.

Masha Sokolova

And in September 2020, Masha's mother found out about her new pregnancy, and the doctors suggested that she take cord blood and the umbilical cord itself to isolate stem cells. Masha has severe metabolic disorders, leading to the destruction of the protective sheath of nerve cells. The introduction of stem cells will help to create new connections from the inside and repair damage. А year later, in September 2021 at the Institute of Neurosurgery Romodanov, the first introduction of stem cells to a girl was carried out.

Changes after the procedure became noticeable after a couple of weeks. Masha stopped grinding her teeth - a sign of a decrease in epiactivity. And two months later, the parents began to notice that Mashenka well understood the speech addressed to her. And in the process of physical training, the girl actively responded and fulfilled all requests - to rearrange the leg or straighten the handle. Today, despite the disappointing forecasts of doctors, Masha has become physically active, has gained some control over her body; knows how to eat from a spoon and drink from a glass. And this, believe me, is a whole achievement for a seven-year-old girl! After all, from the moment of birth, she was practically not given a chance for life.

Masha Sokolova

Anna Sokolova about her daughter: “I know that Masha is a rather difficult child, and, of course, I do not expect a big miracle. But I am sure that the quality of life, communication of my girl can still be improved. Let with support, but move independently, be able to show and explain what hurts her or what she wants. I really believe in it and I hope that everything will work out.”

Masha needs to carry out several procedures, and the next one is already this year. For its implementation, $1000 is needed.

Let's help Masha!

The family lives in Zaporozhye.

For more information, you can also contact the staff of the "Happy Child" Foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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