Families with disabled children needs

Diana Vikhlyaeva, born in 2003 - spastic paraparesis of the lower limbs

The fund-raising campaign is closed. Thanks to your donations, we could finance Diana’s trip to Saint Petersburg and her checkup there

February 17, 2014, 12:30 4542
Artur Kerimov, born in 2011

For two years the family got by with their personal savings, help from friends and loans from banks. Now monthly expenses amount to UAH 2.5-3 thousand.

March 17, 2013, 12:40 309
Help Special Children Save Their Mother!

Dear Friends! We still need your financial support for maintaining educator staff salaries in Chernigov Child’s Home

January 14, 2013, 22:00 4289
Helping Children Without Limbs to be Happy

One year ago on December 1st in the village of Kalinovka (Zaporozhye Region) the first family-type home in the region was opened for nine special-needs orphaned children. Now the construction of another “Happy Home” for seven more kids has begun

December 25, 2012, 12:00 4523
Zaporozhye regional charity organization “Right to life for children with special needs”

A unique institution for unique children — it's possible!

June 22, 2012, 11:30 2664
Give Little Orphans a Home of Their Own

Nine boys with special needs have already been living in their new “Happy Home” in Kalinovka village. Let’s try our best to create one more Happy Home for seven more orphans!

April 12, 2012, 9:00 9804
Pressing Problems of Ukrainian Youth with Special Needs

I received a very tough task – to explore some pressing problems and urgent needs of Ukrainian young people with various types of disabilities. So, here is the result of my monitoring

March 21, 2012, 20:00 7018
Nick from California and Alyosha from Kalinovka – Life Without Limits

I’d like to tell you about my first working day at “The Happy Child” Foundation. That day I happened to visit the worst place I had ever seen in my life

December 2, 2011, 17:30 10649
Dmitrenko Bogdan Cerebal Palsy

It is very hard to be a kid and not to be able to run after a ball or crawl after a kitty. Because of the sickness Bogdan cannot walk, stand nor crawl. He so much needs some help from healthy and grown-up people.

April 19, 2011, 23:00 5224
Publications found: 39

Publications are shown from 31 to 39

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 143 379

Our expenses in 2024
To 69 sick children $38 434
Medical equipment: $7 266
Humanitarian help: $30 419
To disabled children: $50 134
To children's village: $2 382
To orphans and poor children: $6 704
"Helpus" - help to adults: $19 417
Service expenses: $22 188
Total sum of expenses: $179 416

$6 912 977

donated since 2007