Reports about donations

The Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin Foundation continues to help families in the Zaporizhzhia region and Ukraine.

Thanks to the partnership with this German organization, the "Happy Child" foundation provided assistance to many families in our region.

March 16, 2023, 20:25 454
A friendly helping hand from North Carolina

Together with the Ukrainians of North Carolina helped children's hospitals.

March 7, 2023, 21:25 334
Zaporozhye. Let's preserve childhood in the conditions of war!

Due to constant fears and stress, today most of the children who left for Zaporozhye from the occupied territories have mental health problems and need special attention.

March 4, 2023, 18:40 204
Zaporozhye. The city of salvation from war

With the beginning of the war, many educational institutions in Zaporozhye became shelters for families who were forced to leave their homes.

February 28, 2023, 19:40 251
Nikita Zuyenko's long-awaited remission!

Fundraising has been stopped due to the fact that the child has died. Heartfelt condolences to the family.

February 15, 2023, 19:25 242
A small report on the direction of "Evacuation"

We sincerely thank everyone who supports our work.

December 28, 2022, 14:25 284
Helping Children's Hospital

In November, they provided assistance for 460 $.

December 21, 2022, 12:25 351
The Berlin Foundation helps Zaporozhye

Thanks to the charity fund Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin e.V. managed to evacuate and support hundreds of families.

December 20, 2022, 23:35 409
Tablets for learning. Second phase

Another ten children received the keys to knowledge.

December 15, 2022, 16:25 288
Publications found: 278

Publications are shown from 41 to 50

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

Help now
Kyrylo Shcherbakov
Kyrylo Shcherbakov

Brain malformations

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 220 785

Our expenses in 2024
To 78 sick children $65 246
Medical equipment: $9 579
Humanitarian help: $35 840
To disabled children: $73 704
To children's village: $3 871
To orphans and poor children: $10 063
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 632
Service expenses: $31 439
Total sum of expenses: $254 713

$6 990 446

donated since 2007