Reports about donations

Sweet gifts from the front lines

On the initiative of boys and girls from the 82nd brigade, we organized a warm meeting with children.

December 19, 2023, 17:00 132
High-quality education at school, even in war conditions

For more comfortable learning, it is necessary to purchase mobile boards and projectors.

December 13, 2023, 16:00 162
Support from both sides of the Atlantic!

Almost 100 families with small children received diapers.

November 20, 2023, 21:00 159
A small report of our work

We continue to help treat children.

October 10, 2023, 21:00 159
We continue to help the Bardysh family

Thanks to you, we bought a washing machine for the family. But further help is very much needed.

October 4, 2023, 8:00 177
We help Kherson

Together with you, we provided our partners with a thousand liters of fuel to eliminate the consequences of flooding and shelling.

September 21, 2023, 18:50 169
We help treat children

We care about the health of children whose families suffered from the war.

August 21, 2023, 22:35 200
We help children's hospitals

Help was provided to three hospitals in the amount of about $ 541.

August 15, 2023, 22:35 213
Double charitable cargo!

We sincerely thank the Loostdorf company for the dairy assistance, and NovaPoshta for the comfortable and free delivery!

July 14, 2023, 23:25 167
Step by step to a comfortable future

We continue to work for the sake of a safe and comfortable stay of children and adults in Zaporizhzhia.

July 8, 2023, 9:25 156
Publications found: 267

Publications are shown from 11 to 20

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:

You donated in 2024

$ 46 385

Our expenses in 2024
To 48 sick children $19 176
Medical equipment: $1 355
Humanitarian help: $18 764
To disabled children: $32 958
To children's village: $991
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 868
Service expenses: $9 430
Total sum of expenses: $96 282

$6 811 983

donated since 2007