Only good news!

We Give Children Unforgettable Moments!

Nearly a thousand children received gift sets of sweets for the holidays. We sincerely thank everyone who joined our festive mission!

January 28, 2025, 22:00 20
A Christmas Miracle for Kira and Artem

At the end of December, hearing aids were purchased for two children.

January 15, 2025, 11:30 32
An unforgettable trip to Ivano-Frankivsk

Ten children from the Molochany community vacationed in the Carpathians.

December 4, 2024, 23:30 42
The surgery is done!

Thank you to everyone who took part in supporting Oleksii!

November 8, 2024, 21:30 76
Helping others brings us true fulfillment.

In collaboration with Maya's Hope and the communities of Orikhiv, Vasylivka, Hulyaipole, and Polohy, we distributed grocery certificates to 220 families to help cover their most immediate needs.

November 6, 2024, 23:00 61
Oleksii Voloshyn

The collection is complete! The funds for the necessary surgery have been collected and transferred to the clinic.

October 21, 2024, 19:00 98
Mykhailo Rotar

The collection is complete! Funds for rehabilitation have been raised. Thank you!

October 11, 2024, 19:00 156
Oleksandr Basenko

Collection is stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been collected. Thank you!

October 8, 2024, 22:00 111
Daryna Tsyhypa

The collection is complete! The funds for the necessary surgery have been collected and transferred to the clinic.

October 7, 2024, 20:00 183
Mariika got hearing aids

Thank you very much everyone for your help!

September 24, 2024, 22:30 128
Publications found: 287

Publications are shown from 1 to 10

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Viktoriia Stepura
Viktoriia Stepura

Chronic bronchitis

Help now
Kyrylo Shcherbakov
Kyrylo Shcherbakov

Brain malformations

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Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs
Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs

Autism, lactose intolerance

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 33 353

Our expenses in 2025
To 33 sick children $8 610
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 708
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 715
Service expenses: $2 303
Total sum of expenses: $19 368

$7 084 563

donated since 2007