Waisen und kranke Kinder von Zaporoshye, Ukraine
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Inhalt gefunden: 125

city Zaporizhzhia
Äèàãíîç: Hearing impairment of the I-III degree
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 59000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising is complete! Funds for hearing aids have been collected.
Views: 28

city Zaporizhzhia
Äèàãíîç: Alopecia
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 23000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fund collection is complete! We bought one package of medicine for Bohdan. Thank you for your help!
Views: 61

Äèàãíîç: Down syndrome, seasonal hay fever
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 48000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

A talented boy needs help.
Views: 119

Äèàãíîç: deafness of the 4th degree

Collection for hearing aids is complete! Thank you very much!
Views: 433

Äèàãíîç: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, bilateral flexion contractures of the knee joints

Fundraising has stopped! The funds required for the operation have been collected! Thank you all for your support!
Views: 1110

Bohdan Dubina - 27.09.2023
Äèàãíîç: 3rd degree deafness, Down syndrome
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 40844 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has stopped! Funds for the purchase of a hearing aid have been collected. Thank you very much!
Views: 1056

Äèàãíîç: Bilateral sensorineural deafness of the III degree
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 151000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has stopped! Funds for the purchase of a hearing aid have been collected. Thank you very much!
Views: 393

Äèàãíîç: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 17000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Funds for rehabilitation have been raised! Thank you very much!
Views: 331

Malokaterinivka, Zaporizhzhia
Äèàãíîç: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 32000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has been stopped! Funds raised have been transferred to the rehabilitation clinic. Thank you!
Views: 299

Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia region
Äèàãíîç: chronic kidney disease of the 5th degree, polycystic liver disease, portal hypertension syndrome.
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 10000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has been stopped! Vali underwent a kidney transplant. The girl has already returned home and is feeling well. Thanks for your help!
Views: 337

city Berdyansk, Zaporizhzhia region
Äèàãíîç: Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 30700 ãðèâåí (once)

Fundraising has stopped! The planned amount for Mykhailo's rehabilitation has been collected! Thank you very much!
Views: 390

Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia region
Äèàãíîç: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 17000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Collection of funds has been stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been partially collected and have already been transferred to the center. Thank you for your help, Sofia!
Views: 271

Zaporizhzhia, Zaporizhzhia region
Äèàãíîç: cerebral palsy
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 53500 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been collected. Thank you very much for your help!
Views: 294

Äèàãíîç: congenital radial club hand
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 20000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has stopped! We helped the family with the payment of the operation. Transferred $ 541. Thank you, friends, for helping the boy!
Views: 303

Äèàãíîç: Lymphadenopathy
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 7000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising is temporarily suspended!
Views: 302

ã. Çàïîðîæüå
Äèàãíîç: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss III-IV degree
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 62000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising stopped! Funds for hearing aids have been collected. Thank you, friends!
Views: 415

ì. Çàïîð³ææÿ
Äèàãíîç: cerebral palsy
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 18500 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising has stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been collected and have already been transferred to the rehabilitation center. Thank you very much for your help Artem!
Views: 426

Äèàãíîç: Bronchial asthma
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 10000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising stopped! The funds for the purchase of the next package of medicines have been collected. Thank you, friends!
Views: 713

Fundraising stopped! The money for the operation has been collected, thank you!
Views: 2783

ã. Çàïîðîæüå
Äèàãíîç: congenital malformations of the reproductive system
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 70000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Funds for the operation have been collected. Thank you, friends!
Views: 353

Pologovsky district, Zaporozhye region
Äèàãíîç: hydrocephalus, right-sided hemiparesis, epilepsy
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 21000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising closed! The required amount has been collected. Thanks friends!
Views: 477

Äèàãíîç: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 2-3 degrees
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 10000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising stopped! Hearing aids purchased. Thanks for the help!
Views: 351

Äèàãíîç: Follicular cysts of the mandible
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 65000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

The operation is done! Thank you for your help!
Views: 402

Zaporizhzhia region, Energodar
Äèàãíîç: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 50000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising closed! The required amount has been collected. Thanks friends!
Views: 591

The collection is stopped! The funds have been collected, thank you. The rehabilitation course is scheduled for May in the city of Kharkiv.
Views: 2213

Mirnoe village, Zaporozhye region
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 10000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising closed! The required amount has been collected. Thanks friends!
Views: 935

Collection suspended! Denis is on maintenance and pain therapy.
Views: 2664

Collection suspendedFunds for rehabilitation courses have been collected, thank you!
Views: 1765

, Çàïîðîæñêàÿ îáëàñòü
Äèàãíîç: Adhesive intestinal obstruction.
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 9000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Collection stopped. The girl was discharged home in a stable condition. Thank you all for your support!
Views: 730

Fundraising suspended! Funds for the next course of treatment have been raised.
Views: 804

Fundraising closed! Polina has been discharged from the hospital. Feels good, body functions restored.
Views: 800

The funds necessary for the operation have been collected! Thank you for your support!
Views: 1295

Fundraising is suspended for the duration of the war, but we will definitely continue it after the victory!
Views: 1694

Fundraising is suspended for the duration of the war, but we will definitely continue it after the victory!
Views: 1845

Fundraising closed! The amount needed for rehabilitation has been collected! Thanks friends!
Views: 1111

Fundraising closed! Hearing aids for Alina are bought! Thanks friends!
Views: 1796

Fundraising closed! Ruslan and his parents evacuated to Germany.
Views: 4711

Fundraising is suspended for the duration of the war, but we will definitely continue it after the victory!
Views: 4711

Nastya Lipka - 20.09.2021
Äèàãíîç: Microcephaly, spastic tetraparesis
Íåîáõîäèìî ñîáðàòü: 80000 ãðèâåí (ðàçîâî)

Fundraising closed! Thank you for helping to provide Nastya with comfortable living conditions!
Views: 1565

Fundraising is suspended! The amount required for the next survey has been collected.
Views: 3437


Fundraising is suspended!
Views: 1086

The collection is closed! We used the funds raised to purchase Bioven and antibiotics. The treatment worked, Maxim's body coped with the uninvited infection! Thank you friends for your help!
Views: 1434

Fundraising is suspended! We are sincerely grateful to our assistants! The kid is preparing for the upcoming transplant.
Views: 1524

The collection is closed! We used the collected funds to buy a new hearing aid! We sincerely thank our assistants!
Views: 1559

Fundraising closed! The amount needed for rehabilitation has been collected! Thanks friends!
Views: 1618

Fundraising is closed! The required amount for rehabilitation has been collected. Thank you friends for your help!
Views: 7859

Fundraising is closed! Thanks to the efforts of four wizards, our collection is closed, and we are already paying for a brand new speech processor. Thank you for helping children!
Views: 1064

Fundraising is closed! Ilya and Veronika left for Kozyavkin's clinic to undergo a rehabilitation course. Thank you!
Views: 1732

Fundraising is suspended! The amount required for rehabilitation has been collected! Thanks friends! For family reasons, the trip was postponed to August.
Views: 1876

Fundraising is closed! In March 2021, Yaroslav went for rehabilitation at the Tomatis-Ukraine center.
Views: 834

Fund collection suspended! All information in the section "Treatment News"
Views: 1521

Fundraising has been suspended! The required amount for rehabilitation has been collected. Thank you friends!
Views: 2414

Fundraising is suspended! The required amount for the operation has been collected. Thank you for helping children!
Views: 958

Fundraising is suspended! The amount required to purchase orthoses has been collected! The rest of the funds will be spent on further rehabilitation and medical treatment for Kostya. We sincerely thank you for helping the boy!
Views: 1180

The required amount has been raised, thank you so much for your help!
Views: 2151

Each rehabilitation course for a child with cerebral palsy is a step towards a fulfilling life. Already in the fall, Dima is expected at the Avatazh center.
Views: 796

Fundraising is suspended! Misha completed a rehabilitation course in November. Thank you, friends, for supporting the little hero!
Views: 1105

Fundraising is suspended for the duration of the war, but we will definitely continue it after the victory!
Views: 752

The entire amount required for the purchase of hearing aids has been raised. In the near future, the boy will put on his hearing aids and begin to fully study. Sincere gratitude to all Dan's wizards!
Views: 805

Fundraising is closed! Artyom underwent a successful operation. Thanks for the support!
Views: 2963

Fundraising is closed! At this stage, the operation to restore the spine has been postponed. The collected funds are used to conduct examinations of the girl.
Views: 2701

Fundraising is closed! From the foster family, Masha and her sister moved to the family that adopted them. Parents are determined: to examine and treat the baby will be abroad on their own.
Views: 3399

Fundraising is closed! We have good news! We raise funds for the operation closed! Mama Anastasia, together with her team, made incredible efforts and everything worked out!
Views: 4743

Fundraising is closed! We are sincerely grateful to our assistants! Thanks to you, the required amount is collected on time!
Views: 4206

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 4398

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 3441

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 4654

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 5468

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 4365

Fundraising is closed! We express our sincere thanks to all our helpers, especially Yuri and Marina for a significant contribution to the further treatment Bears. Now he will be able to receive the necessary treatment in Ge
Views: 2314

Fundraising is suspended! Thanks to our dear mates, the required amount collected for the immediate treatment
Views: 1935

Fundraising is closed! Sergei underwent planned treatment and is now at home. By the end of the year is scheduled CT alone. Thank you all for your help!
Views: 3471

Fundraising is closed! With the help of caring people from Kiev Vlad operated. The child does not need help.
Views: 2853

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 2006

Fundraising is closed! Many thanks to the distinguished contributors for helping to Victoria. Her condition was stabilized, family tries to cope with the costs yourself.
Views: 4666

Fundraising is closed! At the moment, the family cope on their own, thank you all for the help.
Views: 3185

Fundraising is closed! Many thanks to all our helpers and wizards! The operation of the double transplant paid for our state! In the near future Pauline flies to India. The collected funds will be spent on the needs associa
Views: 6724

Fundraising is closed! For the first time, the treatment of the collected funds is enough for now.
Views: 4410

Fundraising is closed! Kid continues treatment at the hospital is that everything you need is there.
Views: 4219

Fundraising is closed! Sincere thanks to our helpers! Fundraising suspended. Thanks to your help, we have Temko reserve funds for the immediate treatment
Views: 4315

Fundraising is closed! In the absence of information about the child
Views: 5769

Fundraising is closed! Denis went on December 5th checkup in Germany. We expect news from the parents for the resumption request. Many thanks to all caring people who help your child
Views: 3968

Fundraising is closed! Together, we were able to raise funds for the treatment of Cyril. Man was sent home after a couple of months of follow-up examination. Cyril joined the Faculty of Law! Keeping him cams and wish only t
Views: 4063

Fundraising is closed! Thanks to the many donations we have been able to purchase vital medicines for Thai. Thank you all for the help
Views: 4062

Fundraising is closed! For a few months, Violetta provided with the necessary medicine , thanks to you , our dear contributors.
Views: 4180

Fundraising is closed! Nastya continues treatment in OKHMATDET. The collected funds so far is enough. Thank you very much to all indifferent
Views: 5117

Fundraising is closed! At the moment, the family cope alone
Views: 3630

Fundraising is closed! We express our gratitude to all the sympathetic and kind people, for helping the kid. The collected funds are sufficient for the final two chemotherapy blocks. We expect good news from the doctors.
Views: 2506

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 6910

Fundraising is closed! The examination revealed that Denis, because the operation is strictly forbidden to carry out their health status. The guy is now at home on the restoration.
Views: 3432

Fundraising is closed! Danilka all treatment will pay the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The collected funds will be used for the treatment of other sick children
Views: 3813

Fundraising is closed! In July this year, Nazar, along with her mother sent to Germany. German Fund has agreed to help the boy to undergo treatment.
Views: 4341

Fundraising is closed! Hooray! Thanks to your kind assistance Daria has successfully completed her treatment! We honestly hope that Daria will enjoy a long and healthy life!
Views: 3553

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 6699

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 7127

Fundraising closed! Parents were asked to hide the information on the site
Views: 3432

Fundraising is closed! Thank you very much to all the people who helped raise money for treatment Kolenka! Our little boy June 5th is sent to the hospital!
Views: 2860

Fundraising is closed! Alex with his mother are now in the clinic to them. Filatov, at reoperation. Thank Vesma who actively participated in fundraising.
Views: 4454

The fund-raising campaign is closed We ask everyone for help in gifting this beautiful girl a happy childhood free of pain
Views: 3449

Fundraising is closed! Sincere thanks to all our assistants. Grigory's family moved permanently to another country.
Views: 6299

The fund-raising campaign is closed The amount needed for the treatment of collected Nastya. Parents are helped through social networks and other sources to collect all the money. We wish Nastyusha luck and a speedy recove
Views: 3874

Fundraising is closed! For us and Olechka great news: The Ministry of Health will pay for the treatment of Olga in Italy. She is receiving treatment and is waiting to return home. We wish her a speedy recovery!
Views: 4663

Fundraising is closed! Due to the lack of relevant information about the needs of the child
Views: 8506

As a result of purulent meningitis a lover of singing and dancing can no longer hear the music. Help Snezhana buy a hearing aid and return her happy childhood!
Views: 4698

Fundraising is closed! We express our gratitude to everyone who participated in saving the life of Masha. Transplants carried out safely. Next, we will certainly keep you informed of all developments.
Views: 4569

Fundraising is closed! Our Stasik is now being treated in Russia, and it is supported by local funds
Views: 4429

Fundraising is closed! Victoria is almost ready for surgery, there are very little. We wish her good luck and a speedy recovery.
Views: 3489

Fundraising is closed! Parents are yet to cope on their own. Like any new need - we 'll talk about it.
Views: 3857

Fundraising is closed! Listed funds Katyusha will suffice for several trips. About all the news we will inform you. Thank you near, dear donors.
Views: 3964

The fund-raising campaign is closed Currently Andrew is located in Truskavets in rehab. Thanks to the donors of the Russian baby with her mother carried out their plans. Once the family arrives, we learn about the news and
Views: 4515

The fund-raising campaign is closed Thanks to you, our valued donors, the amount required for ordering hardware, for Sasha, collected! Thank you very much for your kindness and support and confidence
Views: 3665

Fundraising is closed! We managed to collect 900 USD. of 5700 USD. The missing amount on the operation, intensive care and rehabilitation period promised to pay Rusfond. I sincerely thank everyone for their support!
Views: 6353

Fundraising is closed! Anya is now at home. Doctors in Kiev advised not to carry out yet chemotherapy. The following year, Anya waiting in the hospital for consultation.
Views: 4335

Fundraising is closed! Stas Andreev behind two complicated operations. The tumor in the lung was defeated! Surveys have shown that he is healthy, which we all rejoice!
Views: 4850

Fundraising is closed! The kid is being treated. As soon as there is a need of our help parents turn.
Views: 6343

The fund-raising campaign is closed Andryusha a rare diagnosis - a primary immunodeficiency, chronic granulomatous disease. But you can save yourself Andryusha parents are fantastically done a lot for this.
Views: 4631

Fundraising is closed! Thanks indifferent to the donor, the family was able to pay the entire bill for the current stage of treatment. After examination in the end of June, the new treatment protocol to be appointed.
Views: 8092

Fundraising is suspended! Due to the lack of relevant information and news about the baby.
Views: 5536

Fundraising is closed! Lisa has been once again visited Germany. New lesions there and it pleases.
Views: 15088

Fundraising closed Cristina has successfully completed the expensive treatment in Kiev and is now home to recover.
Views: 9898

Fundraising is closed! The necessary amount for the rehabilitation of Maksimka is collected.
Views: 5074

Fundraising is closed! We are grateful to everyone who responded to the call for help for Eve: the required amount - 17,104 hryvnia - was collected, in March 2012 the child goes to Moscow for the long-awaited operation
Views: 6537

Fundraising is closed! On behalf of the foundation and parents, we thank all the helpers! As of 10.06.20. fundraising is suspended. At this stage, Kirochka's family cope with the treatment on their own.
Views: 7212

Fundraising is closed! Once we get the news from her parents and learn the course of treatment of the child - the information will be updated.
Views: 7419

Daniil has completed his treatment and temporarily doesn't require the welfare
Views: 9004

